7809 7036 1956 Plymouth
A Down Express working by Laira's 7809, "Childrey Manor" pilot to 7036 "Taunton Castle". 7036 was one of Old Oak's "Castle" class which were regular visitors to Plymouth and 7036 was often seen in Plymouth at this time and was photographed by myself more than once.
They emerge from Mutley Tunnel and run down into Plymouth North Road station in this view from 1956 or thereabouts.
This location has now been completely spoiled by a car park which has been built over the cutting and which covers the line down to the railings just visible behind the gent on the right. The path leading down to the track on the right is all that remains of the old Mutley station which existed before North Road statin was built, and is still there today.
Note the vintage cars on the left.