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Taken 26-Jan-16
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Dimensions3508 x 2724
Original file size3.23 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spacesRGB
Date taken26-Jan-16 13:41
Date modified29-Jul-21 15:38
11105 1950s West Hartlepool MPD

11105 1950s West Hartlepool MPD

BR Drewry '04' class 0-6-0 Diesel Shunters Nos. 11105, 11106 and 11107. Built for Drewry Car Co. Ltd. in March & April 1953 and withdrawn in September 1969 (11105) and July 1969 (11106 & 11107) as BR Nos. D2204, D2205 and D2206 respectively.
Ex-North Eastern Rly. Worsdell 'J72' class 0-6-0 Tank No. 68683. Built at Darlington in March 1900 as NER No. 1734 and withdrawn in March 1961. The almost surreal interior of West Hartlepool MPD is seen in 1953, shortly after these three Drewry '04' diesel shunters were delivered. Cumulatively, they managed 48 years of service. Alongside, is 68683 built to perform much the same function but with a service record of SIXTY-ONE YEARS!

© Ken Widd-SA Collection