Created 14-Apr-12
83 photos
15 of the USA built machines were bought in 1945 at a total cost of £35,000 which comprised 14 working locomotives and one spare for cannibalisation when parts were needed. They proved to be powerful and reliable machines once they had been altered to suit the British requirements (eg fitting with cylinder drain cocks) but being utilitarian locomotives they had been constructed at minimum cost and their steel fireboxes gave considerable trouble due to excessive corrosion in early BR days. Once new fireboxes had been fitted the USA tanks gave excellent service throughout the 1950s until diesel shunters made them redundant at Southampton Docks from 1962. Despite being banished from Southampton, their general usefulness ensured that for almost all of them, new roles beckoned. Six engines were given a further lease of life as Departmental shunters in other BR estabishments such as Ashford Wagon Works (which received three) and most of the remainder were distributed elsewhere in the Southern Region to act as shed pilots or for similar duties.
62 1947-05-17 Southampton Docks
63 1947-10 Eastleigh
64 1947-06-19 Eastleigh
68 1947 Eastleigh shed
68 1948-06-26 Southampton Docks
69 1947 Southampton Docks
69 1947 Southampton Docks shed
72 1948-06 Eastleigh Works
300xx 1958-05 Southampton Docks
30061 DS233 1960s Eastleigh shed
30062 1953-05 Southampton Docks
30062 1955-05-22 Southampton Docks
30062 1955-05-22 Southampton Docks
30062 1961-08-02 Southampton Docks
30062 1961-08-02 Southampton Docks
30062 1961c Southampton Docks
30062 1962-09-23 Southampton Docks
30062 30072 1962-11-11 Eastleigh
30063 1956-11-24 Southampton Docks
30064 1963 Southampton Docks
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:SR, Steam, USA