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Taken 14-Oct-18
Visitors 149

9 of 44 photos
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Dimensions8904 x 5669
Original file size2.68 MB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUnknown
Date taken15-Oct-18 01:36
Date modified29-Jun-23 05:05
9113 1927c Crewe South

9113 1927c Crewe South

LNWR 5F 0-8-0 No 9113 with a Webb Tender on shed at Crewe South in c1927. Built new as a class G in 1910 with LNWR no. 1634 this loco remained un-superheated until 1933 when it became class G1. At the same time a Belpaire firebox replaced the round one seen in the photo. LMS no was applied in Aug 1927 and the photo may have been taken soon after this.

Photo: W.H. Whitworth / Rail Archive Stephenson