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Taken 28-Jun-23
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Dimensions8504 x 5680
Original file size2.2 MB
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Date modified29-Jun-23 05:08
2547 1910s where

2547 1910s where

LNWR 0-8-0 No 2547 in c1910. A class D rebuild of a Webb 3cylinder compound into a 2 cylinder simple and with larger boiler by George Whale in Dec 1906. Later had superheating (hence the term 'Super D') becoming a class G1 but not applied until 1928 when it also received its LMS No 9012. The livery appears to be plain black suggesting the photo was taken after 1917 and probably just before grouping. Note the boiler support fitted just behind 2nd driving wheels which was later removed. All the standard LNWR features of the original remain (lamp sockets, Ramsbottom safety valves, chimney with capuchon) but has acquired a Whale 3000 gal tender and altered cab roof.
Photo: W.H. Whitworth / Rail Archive Stephenson